
Conversion of the ETH HPK comm room F21.2 Hönggerberg campus Zurich

Conversion of the ETH HPK comm room F21.2 Hönggerberg campus Zurich

On the ETH Hönggerberg campus, the new comm room and a new double floor were provided in room F21.2 instead of the existing cleaning room assembled. The room was equipped with an active and a passive rack. The racks are supplied with energy by means of an energy box (created in accordance with ETH guidelines), which is installed in the active rack. The communication link between the racks is made using fiber optics and copper. The LED lighting was implemented on the front and rear of the racks, suspended from the ceiling.

Aare Limmat Elektro AG was commissioned to carry out the entire electrical installation. The entire electrical installation was newly created and corresponds to the current state of the art.